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Descriptions of Services


Booking an appointement

Many options are offered : 

  1. You can reach out by phone at the 438-389-6839;

  2. You can fill out the form at the bottom of the page and I'll get back to you through e-mail; 

  3. You can write me on my Facebook profile;

  4. You can use the online booking platform you can find on my Psylio page;

Evaluation meeting

This first meeting will help us assess the situation. We will discuss together the needs, both physical and psychological, that could be associated with it. This is when we will identify goals you would like to achieve as well as potential ways to achieve them. From this meeting, we will begin to outline the intervention plan.


Observation meetings

Whether at home, at school, or any other environment deemed relevant, we will use these sessions to refine the objectives and means of the intervention plan. Indeed, for certain more complex situations, observation meetings in the living environment will sometimes be necessary. They will make it possible to deepen the understanding of the dynamics and the needs associated with them.

Follow-up meetings

Through more traditional individual intervention meetings, or through accompaniment or educational activities, follow-ups are the heart of the journey. It is during these moments of discussion that the intervention plan will be set in motion.


Duration of follow-up

There is no predetermined length of follow-up. You are free, at any time, to stop or maintain it. The intervention plan will be reviewed sporadically to reflect changes in your situation, as well as new needs that may emerge. 

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